Another deed I had to do was go to Bourbon Street. The epicenter of hedonism was in full swing on Tuesday night as people gathered to eat, drink, and act crazy. I shouted "Happy Mardi Gras!" to anyone within earshot, and some used the occasion to drop their inhibitions -- along with their clothes. Once I crossed St. Ann Street, I found myself outnumbered by the opposite sex ... but not on their radar.
One man held a sign that said 'Show Your Dick' -- as opposed to 'Show Your Tits' -- and another man asked why I was in this neighborhood. I replied that I didn't see a 'No Heterosexuals Allowed' sign posted anywhere, and he told me that I misunderstood his question. We laughed off the quarrel and exchanged pleasantries before joining a small group to do the electric slide in the middle of street. I guess time really does fly when you're having fun, for I spent the next several hours making a fool of myself.